E-Sign Disclosure and Consent
Effective: December 31, 2024
Golden Order, Inc. and its affiliates and third party service providers (hereafter, “the Company”) may need to provide you with certain communications, notices, agreements, billing statements, or disclosures in writing (“Communications”) regarding our Services. Your agreement to this Disclosure and Consent confirms your ability and consent to receive Communications electronically at any time of day from the Company, its affiliates, and its third party service providers, rather than in paper form, and to the use of electronic signatures in our relationship with you (“Consent”). By providing your consent, you are also confirming that you have the hardware and software described herein, that you are able to receive and review electronic records, and that you have an active email account. You are also confirming that you are authorized to, and do, consent on behalf of all the other account owners, authorized signers, authorized representatives, delegates, product owners and/or service users identified with your account. If you choose not to agree to this Consent or you withdraw your consent, you may be restricted from using the Services.
Electronic Delivery of Communications and Use of Electronic Signatures
Under this Consent, the Company may provide all Communications electronically by email, by text message, or by making them accessible via the Company websites or applications. Communications include, but are not limited to, (1) agreements and policies required to use the Services (e.g. this Consent, the Company Privacy Notice, and the Power Cash Terms of Service), (2) payment authorizations and transaction receipts or confirmations, (3) account statements and history, (4) and all federal and state tax statements and documents. We may also use electronic signatures and obtain them from you. You must promptly notify us of any change in your email or other electronic address.
System Requirements
To access and retain the electronic Communications, you will need the following:
- A computer or mobile device with Internet or mobile connectivity.
For desktop website-based Communications:
- Recent web browser that includes 256-bit encryption;
- The browser must have cookies enabled. Use of browser extensions may impair full website functionality; and
- Minimum recommended browser standards are the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox (see http://www.mozilla.com for latest version), Apple Safari (see http://www.apple.com/safari for latest version), or Google Chrome (see http://www.google.com/chrome for latest version).
For application-based Communications:
- A recent device operating system that supports text messaging, downloading, and applications from the Apple App Store or Google Play store; and
- The most recent versions of Apple Safari or Google Chrome on iOS or Google Chrome for Android OS.
- Access to the email address used to create an account for the Company Services.
- Sufficient storage space to save Communications and/or a printer to print them.
- If you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add hello@power.cash to your email address book.
U.S. Federal Law
If you are
located in the U.S., you acknowledge and agree that
the Services are subject to the federal Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act
("E-SIGN Act"), and that you intend that
the E-SIGN Act will apply to validate your ability
to engage electronically in transactions related to
the Services.
Paper Delivery of Communications
You have the right to receive Communications in paper form. To request a paper copy of any Communication at no charge, please write to Golden Order, Inc., 611 Gateway Blvd, Suite120, South San Francisco, CA, 94080, USA, Attn: Customer Support - Legal (“the Company Address”) within 180 days of the date of the Disclosure, specifying in detail the Communication you would like to receive. For the avoidance of doubt, requesting a paper copy of any Communication, in and of itself, will not be treated as withdrawal of consent to receive electronic Communications.
Withdrawal of Consent to Electronic Communications
You may withdraw your consent to receive electronic Communications at any time, by writing to the Company Address. However, withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications may result in termination of your access to Services. Any withdrawal of your consent will be effective after a reasonable period of time for processing your request, and the Company will confirm your withdrawal of consent and its effective date in writing (either electronically or in paper form).